On Christmas Eve, Jon tells Garfield that they are leaving for the country to spend the holiday with his family on their farm. Garfield finds it annoying that they consistently visit the farm but neve...

8.00 332

Jon now recognizes that he needs a life, an escape from his boring existence as the guy who arranges his sock drawer. Garfield found a book called ''How to Make Friends and Fool the Rest''. He tries t...

7.21 7.18 81

Jon, Garfield and Odie audition for the talent show "Pet Search" in hopes of winning the $1000 prize and a chance at the finals in Hollywood....

7.43 7.38 88

The Garfield gang is in Hawaii with a 1957 Chevy....

7.20 7.23 107

Garfield is taken on a camping trip by Jon, much against his will. A series of very funny disasters follow. But not all is well, as a panther has escaped from the local zoo and is stalking them. Will ...

7.06 82

Garfield the cat daydreams that he's an old-time private detective....

8.00 50

Jon falls for Garfield's veterinarian--who puts Garfield on a diet--and invites her to Thanksgiving dinner....

7.06 54