Amidst the icy terrain of a frigid planet, an ominous occurrence unfolds as enigmatic creatures emerge from the depths of the dark underground. With relentless intent, these creatures commence their a...

5.04 5.81 449

Set in the not-so-distant future, this sci-fi anthology introduces us to a world where humanoids, equipped with advanced AI, make up 10% of the population. At the heart of the story is Dr. Sudo Hikaru...

6.67 7.03 478

In the future, thinking about a crime makes you guilty, and justice is dispensed from the barrel of a gun. Detectives work in teams made up of Enforcers and Inspectors. Enforcers take out the bad guys...

7.06 411

The anime series takes place in a futuristic setting where humanity has relocated to the Moon as a response to Earth's climate alterations. It will introduce exclusive elements specific to the anime, ...

5.21 5.68 580

From time immemorial to the age of space colonization, there is one legend that has stayed unchanged in every history book—the tale of the immortal bird Phoenix. A being whose blood is said to grant...


The supreme Gods who had too much free time created the ultimate brain games "Play of the Gods." Former Goddess Leche awoke from a long slumber and declared to the world, "Bring forth the person who i...

7.70 6.44 436

Tetsuo Tosu, an ordinary salaryman, discovers his daughter, Reika, has been physically abused by her boyfriend, Matori Nobuto. Trying to learn more about him, Tetsuo uncovers Matori's scheme to extort...


The famed Swiss robot Montblanc, known for his military service in the 39th Asian War, is brutally slain. Robots and people alike grieve the loss of the adored celebrity. The popularity of Montblanc o...

9.30 8.76 395

The last thing Subaru Natsuki anticipates when he exits the convenience store is to be uprooted from his normal life and thrust into a fantastical realm. The confused teen's situation is not looking g...

8.10 826

Following the events of Satsujin Kousatsu (Zen), Shiki Ryougi has been in a coma for two years due to a traffic accident. When she finally awakens, she has no memories of her past and is plagued by a ...

7.66 7.82 195

Fourteen years after the Third Impact, the Earth is a post-apocalyptic wasteland, human civilization is in ruins, and the people Shinji Ikari knows are almost unrecognizable. Trapped inside Evangelion...

7.32 7.64 194

Covered in ice and snow, Elior Forest is the home to dangerous magical beasts and 50 elves frozen in ice. One day, the great spirit Puck helps a young girl break out of her ice prison. Her name is Emi...

7.31 7.60 166