The anime takes place in a dystopic world, where the Cold War never ended for 140 years. As the result the world was split up into 2. The West and The East. As the Cold War continues, the tension beet...

6.40 6.22 583

A few years after a crisis called Bubblehum, It is the year 2040, Tokyo. Kenji Sasaki is an A.D. police offiver and he encounters a big problem. His partner dies, and a day after of his vacation, he r...

6.70 6.25 695

Dowa Kingdom, a kingdom split up into 13 states, is in the time of celabration of its rulers 99th birthday. There are many agencies across these 13 states that are controlled by an organization called...

7.10 7.67 593

Ryuuichi Naruhodou, is a new lawyer, who was dreaming of becoming a defense attorney all his life to be able to help the innocent people. But, on his first case he realizes that he is not ready fort h...

6.40 6.49 694

Since there is no number four batter or ace striker in rugby, who is the team's standout player? The narrative opens at the Kanagawa High School entry ceremony, where Kenji Gion, a modest but determin...

6.70 7.06 574

In 1711, a group of alchemists summon a demon aboard the ship Advenna Avis in an effort to attain eternal life. The spellcaster Maiza Avaro receives the elixir's recipe from the demon, along with inst...

8.20 8.38 442

Carnivores and herbivores coexist in an uneasy tension in an advanced society of anthropomorphic animals. This mutual mistrust reaches a breaking point at Cherryton Academy when Tem, an alpaca in the ...

7.70 7.88 382

A twelve-year-old earl named Ciel Phantomhive resides in Victorian-era London. He was appointed to this position as a result of the attack and burning of the Phantomhive Manor on his tenth birthday, o...

7.70 7.68 520

Because of his lightning-fast reactions to attacks and his status as Number Thirteen as a member of the elite Chronos society, Train Heartnet is known as the Black Cat. Until he meets Saya, a bounty h...

7.00 7.34 548

In a town where there are many Japanese businesspeople, Okajima Rokuro is one of them. His typical day consists of being yelled at by his managers and social drinking with clients. However, he finally...

7.90 8.03 835

Atsushi Nakajima's orphanage has been troubled by a mysterious tiger for weeks, but no one else seems to be aware of it. The 18-year-old is abruptly expelled from the orphanage and left hungry, homele...

7.80 7.82 920

"Detective Conan" (known as "Case Closed" in North America) is a long-running anime and manga series created by Gosho Aoyama. The series follows high school detective Shinichi Kudo who, while investig...

8.50 8.29 1968