The four young men that make up Weiss Kreuz (WK), an assassin organization that takes out certain threats to society, are Aya, Youji, Ken, and Omi. Each team member has an own fighting style. Aya is s...

7.60 6.70 347

"Weiß Kreuz Glühen" is an anime series and the sequel to the original "Weiß Kreuz" (Knight Hunters) series. It continues the story of a group of young assassins known as Weiß (German for "white") ...

7.60 6.55 289

Tensions in the country of Wellber, which was barely able to maintain peace because conflict with its neighboring country, Sangatras, could break out at any time, were rising ten years after the Great...

5.80 6.70 358

Bong Gi once harbored ambitions to succeed in life. But all of that feels like a long time ago today. He has developed bad habits, lost his job, and is now utterly unlovable. In the actual world, peop...

7.50 6.33 770

The protagonist of the middle school drama Whistle! is Sh Kazamatsuri. He moves from Musashinomori School to Sakura Jsui Junior High School in order to have a better chance of making the soccer team b...

7.70 7.39 291

Can a romance between an idol singer and a normal college student last? The White Album aims to provide an answer to that query. Touya Fujii is a typical college student with typical concerns, such as...

5.60 6.64 348

White Album 2 is an anime series based on the visual novel of the same name. It serves as a standalone story and is not directly related to the original "White Album" series. The anime follows a compl...

7.30 7.62 294

These animated shorts offer fans of White Album 2 a chance to see their favorite characters in more relaxed and comical situations. They provide a break from the main story's dramatic elements and off...

5.92 273

Convicted criminals are used to create a highly skilled police crime fighting unit. The Wild 7 are initially dispatched to track down a group of bank thieves using their firsthand understanding of the...

6.22 364

Wild 7 Another is an anime series based on the manga of the same name by Mikiya Mochizuki. It is a reboot of the original "Wild 7" manga, which was serialized from 1969 to 1979. The anime adaptation, ...

5.26 370

Makoto Kubota was an aimless wanderer who didn't take himself or life too seriously. Yakuza fights, mahjong, and killings kept him happily occupied as the leader of the Izumo Group's teenage gang. Up ...

6.10 6.21 335

In this tale, the world we inhabit is referred to as Earthside. Other worlds exist and go by the names Nosfertia, Heavenstia, and Eternalia. Three Animanoids (beast-humans) were sent by Heavenstia to ...

7.50 6.32 330