"Detective Conan" (known as "Case Closed" in North America) is a long-running anime and manga series created by Gosho Aoyama. The series follows high school detective Shinichi Kudo who, while investig...
8.50 8.29 1871The plot of My Hero Academia is set in a world where the majority of people have the capacity to acquire superpowers known as "Quirks," which usually appear in children by the age of four and affect a...
8.40 7.93 1650The powerful magic-user nation known as the Nebulis Sovereignty and the technologically superior Heavenly Empire have been at war for many years. In the present, the "Ice Calamity Witch" from Nebulis'...
6.40 6.63 654The Japanese National Police Agency secretly creates an armed division named Minkei or Private Police in the near future to put an end to the widespread use of weapons in criminal and terrorist acts b...
8.10 8.24 562The popularity of VR games has decreased as a result of the tragedy that happened in the VR MMORPG Sword Art Online, where 10,000 players were stuck in the game on launch day. The NerveGear, SAO's VR ...
6.80 7.00 463The promise of fulfilling their greatest wishes draws special people known as "Regulars" to a tower. Everything awaits those who reach the top, including fortune, fame, power, and anything that surpas...
7.70 7.56 479Everyone strives to fulfill a dream, including the musically gifted Kanon Shibuya. Kanon, however, is unable to enroll in Yuigaoka Girls' High School's music program due to her stage phobia and instea...
7.50 7.99 456Haruto Amakawa, a 20-year-old college student, does not anticipate waking up in the body of Rio, a small kid, after dying in a car accident. Rio discovers he now has magical abilities when their memor...
7.20 7.05 458Kurumi Mirai is in the first year of high school. She has enrolled in junior high section of the Redrun Magic School, the world's only facility for mages that approved by International Mage League and...
5.78 6.65 437Meet Taiyo Asano, a profoundly introverted high school student who struggles to communicate with others, except for his childhood friend, Mutsumi Yozakura. Little does Taiyo know, Mutsumi hails from a...
8.50 7.35 518