"Detective Conan" (known as "Case Closed" in North America) is a long-running anime and manga series created by Gosho Aoyama. The series follows high school detective Shinichi Kudo who, while investig...
8.50 8.29 1591The plot of My Hero Academia is set in a world where the majority of people have the capacity to acquire superpowers known as "Quirks," which usually appear in children by the age of four and affect a...
8.40 7.93 1075The powerful magic-user nation known as the Nebulis Sovereignty and the technologically superior Heavenly Empire have been at war for many years. In the present, the "Ice Calamity Witch" from Nebulis'...
6.40 6.63 507An ancient conflict between humans and demons resulted in immense mayhem and bloodshed. Demon King Anos Voldigoad willingly gave his life in order to put an end to this struggle that seemed to go on f...
7.30 7.38 581The promise of fulfilling their greatest wishes draws special people known as "Regulars" to a tower. Everything awaits those who reach the top, including fortune, fame, power, and anything that surpas...
7.70 7.56 390Satoru Mikami, 37, is a regular corporate employee who is pleased with his boring lifestyle in Tokyo. However, he has never been able to commit to a woman throughout his life. He is stabbed while havi...
8.20 8.14 736An adventure in another world with cute girls by your side and video game-like powers--sounds like an anime fan's dream, right? Not so for melancholic author Osamu Dazai, who would quite literally pre...
7.23 6.66 509As the world teeters on the brink of its third World War, a glimmer of hope emerges in the form of individuals endowed with extraordinary abilities from all corners of the globe. These superhumans ris...
6.20 7.09 711Meet Taiyo Asano, a profoundly introverted high school student who struggles to communicate with others, except for his childhood friend, Mutsumi Yozakura. Little does Taiyo know, Mutsumi hails from a...
8.50 7.35 449In the near future, a sudden and unexplained sea rise has left much of human civilization underwater. Ikaruga Natsuki, a boy who lost his mother and his leg in an accident some years earlier, returns ...
7.12 7.42 536One year following the demise of Zeref and Acnologia, Natsu Dragneel and his team from the Fairy Tail wizard guild embark on the 100 Years Quest, a mission that has been unaccomplished for over a cent...
7.66 8.21 556