"Maria†Holic Alive" is the second season of the "Maria Holic" anime series. The story continues to follow Kanako Miyamae, a high school girl attending Ame no Kisaki Catholic girls' school, as she na...

6.23 6.96 452

Aya transferred into Kuromi Girls Academy a month ago with the goal of changing herself into a proper lady. After meeting the breathtaking Shirayuri, Aya is blown away by her elegance and posterity. I...


Umika Konohoshi, a fifteen-year-old, finds it challenging to connect with her peers at school. Despite this, she holds onto the hope that her words will eventually resonate with others. However, every...

6.00 7.21 554

Hime Shiraki has a promising future because she has high grades, a spotless reputation, and a cute face on top of it all. She will be able to realize her dream of being adored by everyone and being th...

6.40 6.71 448

A team of three magical girls known as Tres Magia protects the town where Utena Hiiragi lives. Like many others, Utena loves these magical girls who valiantly fight in the name of justice. One day, a ...

6.77 7.32 277

Yori Asanagi is a mature girl in many ways but is still pure when it comes to romance. That sentiment is proven when an underclassman, Himari Kino, suddenly confesses love to her after her band perfor...

6.55 7.89 257

Yuuhi Yuugure and Yasumi Utatane, two high school voice actresses who just happened to attend the same school and coincidentally got placed into the same class, are the two hosts of a radio weekly pro...

6.77 7.10 167