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Zombieland Saga Movie NEWS

The movie was announced recently by Avex Pictures and is expected to be out by 2024!

Sakura Minamoto aspires to be a pop star. She unfortunately experiences a reality check and perishes in a terrible car accident. She awakens in Saga Prefecture ten years later to discover that she is a zombie with no memory of her previous life. She encounters Koutarou Tatsumi while still processing her death, and he explains that he has revived her along with six other zombie ladies from various eras in order to create an idol group that will help Saga's economy. The girls comply as Koutarou assumes the role of an obnoxious manager and starts planning activities; eventually, they decide to call their idol group Franchouchou.

A video for the movie's announcement was broadcast by Avex Pictures. "A Zombie-less Fight: Saga Revenge Edition" is the name of the live-action advertisement. Actors Hakuryuu and Kunio Murai, both from Saga prefecture, are featured in the film. They can be seen arguing in the footage about the prefecture. White Ryu's audio in the anime adaptation of Zombie Land Saga Revenge was provided by Hakuryuu.
The release date or the whole cast members were not revealed during the announcement, however we will update this page as soon as more news arrive!

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