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Gods' Game We Play NEWS

Kei Sazane's Kami wa Game ni Ueteiru' TV adaptation is announced by the official Twitter account a few weeks ago!

The supreme Gods who had too much free time created the ultimate brain games "Play of the Gods." Former Goddess Leche awoke from a long slumber and declared to the world, "Bring forth the person who is the best in games in this era!" Fay is nominated to represent humanity as the "best rookie in recent years."

The official Twitter account for Kei Sazane's Kami wa Game ni Ueteiru announced the TV adaptation for the manga a few weeks ago. The anime TV series will directly follow the manga's storyline! It will be produced by Kadokawa and the animations will be made by LIDENFILMS. The cast or the release date are not announced yet. But we will update this page as soon as the news arrive!